Meal Replacement Diet
With the New Year approaching, many individuals may once again resolve to better their nutrition and incorporate exercise into their daily routines. A common concept is the “meal replacement” strategy. This is when you replace a high-protein shake or snack bar with one or more daily meals. While meal replacements can aid in calorie restriction, do they actually work? Let’s examine this type of diet in more detail.
How Do Meal Replacement Diets Work?
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This is a really simple concept. Simply replace one or more of your daily meals with a low-calorie, high-protein alternative. There are a variety of options, including protein bars and soup, but the majority of individuals opt for protein shakes due to its portability, speed, and convenience.
The majority of individuals consume their meal replacement for breakfast and/or lunch, followed by a nutritious, well-balanced dinner. All replacement meals come with a low-calorie diet plan consisting of 1,200-1,500 calories per day.
Are Meal Replacements Considered Nutritionally Complete?
Are Meal Replacements Considered Complete Nutritionally?
The majority of powdered meal replacements are intended for use with skim milk (1 percent milk fat). The high protein and fiber content of these powders will help you feel full. Using skim milk reduces both fat and calories.
However, whether you purchase premade protein drinks or nutrition bars in cans, bottles, or bars, read the labels carefully! Many contain excessive amounts of calories, sugar, and unneeded substances.
The average meal replacement smoothie has approximately 200 calories per serving.
Reading labels is absolutely crucial! Once you are familiar with a product, you can confidently purchase it for the duration of your diet. However, calorie and sugar content might vary even amongst tastes from the same brand, so be careful to read every label!
Products with nutritional information similar to the following are best:
- Between 200 and 230 calories per serving
- Less than 5 grams of fat per serving
- Less than 3 grams of sugar per serving
- Between 10 and 15 grams of protein per serving
- Between 3 and 5 grams of fiber per serving
- Low sodium
- Fortified with at least 1/3 of your daily recommended levels of vitamins and minerals